Opening Night: Friday 14th November, 6pm – 9pm

Dates: 14 November - 5 December


co . hab . i . ta . tion

collisions, collusions, counterpoints, cohesions

This exhibition ‘co.hab.i.ta.tion’ features the work of four artists – Fleur Brett, Hilary Hoggett, Georgina Humphries and Angela Leech – who have shared a studio space at RMIT University for three years. During that time they have worked closely together to develop their sculptural work, actively engaging in forming new ideas, regular dialogue about conceptual framing, and in providing each other feedback. This intimate mode of working inevitably generates reverberations, resonances and synergies. It comes with the blurring of boundaries, subverting the image of the artist as the lone and resolute practitioner; here the artists are a dynamic, symbiotic yet changeable entity. Sometimes they are separate, mostly they are connected.

 mapping, topography, cartography, instruments, display, apparatus, devices, tracings, objectivity, truth, diagrams, maps, measurements


Georgina Humphries

Angela Leech

Fleur Brett

Hilary Hoggett